Aaron Kamm and the One Drops

Aaron Kamm and the One Drops


Aaron Kamm and the One Drops | bandcamp Aaron Kamm and the One Drops | Aaron Kamm and the One Drops | facebook Aaron Kamm and the One Drops | Aaron Kamm and the One Drops | Instagram Aaron Kamm and the One Drops | Aaron Kamm and the One Drops | iTunes Aaron Kamm and the One Drops | Aaron Kamm and the One Drops | Spotify Aaron Kamm and the One Drops | Aaron Kamm and the One Drops | Twitter Aaron Kamm and the One Drops | Aaron Kamm and the One Drops | Website Aaron Kamm and the One Drops | Aaron Kamm and the One Drops | YouTube


Aaron Kamm and the One Drops

Hailing from St. Louis, MO, Aaron Kamm and the One Drops merge flavors of Roots Reggae, Mississippi River Blues, Improv-laced Jams, and Soulful Vocals. With their high-energy performance and unique sound, Aaron Kamm and the One Drops are a must see.

Aaron Kamm and the One Drops | bandcamp
Aaron Kamm and the One Drops | Aaron Kamm and the One Drops | facebook Aaron Kamm and the One Drops | Aaron Kamm and the One Drops | Instagram Aaron Kamm and the One Drops | Aaron Kamm and the One Drops | iTunes Aaron Kamm and the One Drops | Aaron Kamm and the One Drops | Spotify Aaron Kamm and the One Drops | Aaron Kamm and the One Drops | Twitter Aaron Kamm and the One Drops | Aaron Kamm and the One Drops | Website Aaron Kamm and the One Drops | Aaron Kamm and the One Drops | YouTube

Past Mousetrap Concerts: