Chalk Dinosaur

Chalk Dinosaur


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Chalk Dinosaur

Chalk Dinosaur (Pittsburgh, PA) features a fusion of electronic dance music, funk and psychedelic rock. It has distinctive melodic themes coupled with a heavy rhythm section and augmented with synthesizers and electronic textures. The live shows are characterized by high energy and emotional diversity.

Chalk Dinosaur was founded in 2008 as the artist project of Pittsburgh music producer John O’Hallaron, and is known for it’s colorfully diverse and prolific songwriting. Over the years, Chalk Dinosaur has released 25 total albums and EP’s, ranging from indie and surf rock to psychedelic rock, electronic dance music, funk, and jam. Some albums are instrumental and some are vocally centered. Some are solo recording projects, while others are collaborative albums featuring the full band. Live performances take several forms. Chalk Dinosaur mainly performs as a duo and sometimes as a quartet with each form having a different repertoire. This electrifying 2 piece electronic duo consists of brothers John O’Hallaron (guitar, keys, vocals, electronics) & Nick O’Hallaron (drums).

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Past Mousetrap Concerts: