“Former Scott Pemberton drummer, Nick Werth, offers up an inspiring display of creativity with his solo project, GALAXE. While simultaneously juggling the producer/MC roles, live beats and positive mantras unite to form a unique blend of conscious Hip Hop and Electronica. To make matters more interesting, Nick delivers the GALAXE sound via Xylosynth: a futuristic beat machine with limitless possibilities.
The first full-length GALAXE album, “ILL BEVANS,” was released in October of 2013. With the help of Portland-based engineer/producer Paul Laxer, Nick recorded drums, vibes, bass synth, piano, turntable, and vocals, creating a truly organic Hip Hop record. A year later, GALAXE celebrates it’s inaugural anniversary with a performance at the Joshua Tree Music Festival.
Currently, Nick is collaborating with a number of artists, including SPANKALICIOUS (ThazDope Records) and percussionist extraordinaire, Nate Werth (Grammy-winning Snarky Puppy).”
Past Mousetrap Concerts: