The Clock Reads

The Clock Reads


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The Clock Reads

The Clock Reads, hailing from Pittsburgh, PA, is a Jazz-Rock outfit that draws on a diverse range of musical tastes to form their unique sound. Formed in 2013 and fully fledged by 2014, the band is comprised of graduates from the University of Pittsburgh.

The Clock crafts their sound from the music that is constantly surrounding their lives. Their arsenal of original tunes is as varied as their musical tastes. The backbone of their sound is formed by tight communication through improvisation, often allowing the band to transcend the “known” and “recognizable” into uncharted territory. This energy creates an exciting environment for both the band and the audience.

The Clock Reads has quickly made a name for themselves in the local music scene, playing major venues throughout Pittsburgh, selling out local shows, and playing festivals in the surrounding areas.

Photo by Pat Bruener Photography

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