Sleepynap Vibes Presents: Blazing Summer – Saturday, July 6th

Sleepynap Vibes Presents: Blazing Summer - Saturday, July 6th

On Saturday, July 6th, Sleepynap Vibes Presents:

Featuring performances by:

Native Sun

Psywrn Simone

Dead Silence

Jet Santiago

TGI Free

Producer Sets by:
Zero and Clint Breeze

Live @ The Mousetrap
$15 ADV/$20 DOS

Doors 8PM
Show @ 9PM

Native Sun


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Native Sun

Native Sun ® Dope Beats. Dope Rhymes.Never Be King on the way!Follow us on Twitter and IG @nativesu

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Clint Breeze


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Clint Breeze | Clint Breeze | facebook Clint Breeze | Clint Breeze | Instagram Clint Breeze | Clint Breeze | SoundCloud Clint Breeze | Clint Breeze | Twitter Clint Breeze | Clint Breeze | Website Clint Breeze | Clint Breeze | YouTube


Clint Breeze

Clint Breeze is the brain child of Indianapolis native and Hip Hop Producer, Carrington Clinton. With Jazz and Soul influenced sounds, Heavy drum compositions and with a balance of raw and catchy rhythm and melody, Clint Breeze makes music for the soul.

The Groove:

Nick Tucker – Bass
Joel Tucker – Guitar
Jared Thompson – Sax
Jay Higginson – Trumpet
Reggie Bishop – Keys
Jamar Bowers – MC
Theon Lee – MC

Clint Breeze | Clint Breeze | facebook Clint Breeze | Clint Breeze | Instagram Clint Breeze | Clint Breeze | SoundCloud Clint Breeze | Clint Breeze | Twitter Clint Breeze | Clint Breeze | Website Clint Breeze | Clint Breeze | YouTube


Psywrn Simone


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Psywrn Simone | Psywrn Simone | facebook Psywrn Simone | Psywrn Simone | YouTube


Psywrn Simone

Psy(ch): Mind
Wr(e)n: Songbird
Simone: call back to Nina Simone (the Soul)

I make:
Music for your mind and your soul
Music for the young and the old
Rebel music that upends the status quo
Reel you in with a beat, some lyrics over seductive melodies
Black woman with the salve
The balm and remedy
Eyes open, not a token, but exactly what you need
Sweet enough to dose it down with a spoon full of sugar
Or I can give it to you straight, no chaser, no filter…

photo credit: Wildstyle Paschall

Psywrn Simone | Psywrn Simone | facebook Psywrn Simone | Psywrn Simone | YouTube


Dead Silence


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Dead Silence

Dead Silence

Dead Silence | Dead Silence | facebook Dead Silence | Dead Silence | YouTube