Otto Von Schirach

Otto Von Schirach


Otto Von Schirach | Otto Von Schirach | facebook Otto Von Schirach | Otto Von Schirach | Instagram Otto Von Schirach | Otto Von Schirach | SoundCloud Otto Von Schirach | Otto Von Schirach | Tumblr Otto Von Schirach | Otto Von Schirach | Twitter Otto Von Schirach | Otto Von Schirach | YouTube


Otto Von Schirach

Otto Von Schirach (half Cuban / half German) was born in 1978 in the swamp infested refugee world of Little Havana Miami. As a child his grandmother practiced Santeria and White Magic, which opened his eyes to the strange and bizarre. Otto grew up listening to Miami Bass, Gore Grind, Gangsta Rap and Afro Cuban Noise. In 1995 Otto bought his first drum machine from a crack-head just 2 blocks from his mom’s house. Right away he recognized his passion for grimy diamond soaked kick drums through distorted fuzz muck. The rest is history.

Otto Von Schirach | Otto Von Schirach | facebook Otto Von Schirach | Otto Von Schirach | Instagram Otto Von Schirach | Otto Von Schirach | SoundCloud Otto Von Schirach | Otto Von Schirach | Tumblr Otto Von Schirach | Otto Von Schirach | Twitter Otto Von Schirach | Otto Von Schirach | YouTube

Past Mousetrap Concerts: